“Green Railway” Smiltene – Valmiera – Ainaži

Regional cycling route no. 14 connects Smiltene and Ainaži. The route leads along the ancient railway line “Smiltene-Ainaži” – through fields, forests, and along specially built bridges over rivers and springs. In some places there are asphalt or gravel roads, which are created as connecting sections of the route.
The total length of the Smiltene-Valmiera-Ainaži route is 128 km. The route goes: Smiltene – Biksēja – Trikāta – Brenguļi – Valmiera – Kocēni – Dikļi – Pāle – Ainaži. There are information stands on the route to get acquainted with the history of the railway and the nearby attractions.
The Green Railways project is renovating the infrastructure of the former railway lines in Vidzeme and Southern Estonia, creating a total of about 750 km of joint cycling / walking routes, most of which run along the former railway lines.
Route GPX file
Cycling route “Green Railway” Smiltene-Valmiera-Ainaži route GPX file is available here.
“Green Railway” routes in nature are marked. In Valmiera – with blue “Green Railways” cycling route signs, while in the rest of the territory – following the signs with number 14.