Brantu Manor

Brantu manor,
A place where latvian culture is celebrated!
We love the Latvian people, land, language and traditions.
When visiting us you can:
- Go on a tour of the manor while listening to a story from the time of the knights 3 EUR/pers.
- View the sundial “Tu un Tavs laiks” (“You and your time”), there is no other sundial like this one in the world!
- Getting strenght from the pillar “Sauļotais stabs” (“Sunlit pillar”) and the ensemble of the three special trees “Saime” (“Family”).
Enjoying foods:
- Breakfast with pancakes 4 EUR/pers.
- Very rich lunch 12 EUR/pers.
- Afternoon tea with cookies 4 EUR/pers.
- Fine dinner by the candlelight 25 EUR/pers.
- Soup, whatever kind your heart desires, with home-baked bread with various toppings 4 EUR/pers.
- Rye-bread beaking and tasting workshop 9 EUR/pers.
- Cookie and cake baking workshop 9 EUR/pers.
- Gingerbread beaking workshop with manor dwarfs 9 EUR/pers.
- Aroma ritual 7 EUR/pers.
- Sauna broom and scrub workshop 5 EUR/pers.